
Aldous Harding (4AD) - Designer - Fixture Picture

Mush (Menphis Industries) - Induction Party - Litvinenko
Drahla (Captured Track) - Useless Coordinates - Serenity

The Brief (@BurgerRecords) - Platinum Rats - Nazi Disko
TH Da Freak (Howlin Banana) - Freakenstein - Nutty

Grindhouse (Dangerhouse Skylab)- Can I Drive Your Commodore? - Peter Brock Built My Hotrod
Les Grys Grys (Groovie Rcds) - S/T - Time Flies and Still

Aldous Harding (4AD) - Designer - Designer
Aldous Harding (4AD) - Designer - Treasure

Bloodshot Bill (Goner) - Comme Get Your Love Right Now - Take Me For a Ride
Tandoori Knight (Slovenly Rec) - EP - Temple Of Boom

Gluts (Fuzz Club) - Dengue Fever Hypnotic Trip - E.The Real Punk Rocker

Aldous Harding (4AD) - Designer - Zoo Eyes