#507 - Division Rock and Love

Hoboken Division (Face caché) - Arts & Crafts - Shoot that Chicken

The Lenguas (Burger K7) - Fears in my milshake - Love you all the times
Spagguetta Orgasmmond (Rockerill) - 45' - L'amour à Charleroi

Mickael Rault (burger LP) - Living Daylight - Too bad so sad
Kim Gray ( Ressurection Records) - Backseat Bingo - Franck Sinatra


Hoboken Division (Face caché) - Arts & Crafts - Run
Hoboken Division (Face caché) - Arts & Crafts - Desertion

Du Blonde (Mute) - Welcome Back To milk - Hard To Please
Crocodiles (Zoo Music) - Boys - Foolin' Around

The Sadies (Moi j'connais) - Archives Vol I - Dying is no way to make a Living / little Sadie

Hoboken Division (Face caché) - Arts & Crafts -