Tijuana Panthers (innovative leisure) - Wayne's interest - Four horsemen
ZHOD (alien Snatch Records) - Would you rather ? - Stay rad
Psychomagic (Lollipo records) - S/T - mustated
Ville Fantôme (Kiziaz records) - EP - Anithing 4 U
Ben Vaughn ( Kizmiaz records) - Desert Trailer - Ain't gonna walk in the shadow
V/A " 1966: Back In The South Of Nowhere" (Ave The Sound) - Pony Taylor "Nothing Else to Understand"
Cowbell (Damaged Goods) - Skeleton Soul - Oh Yolande
Tijuana Panthers (innovative leisure) - Wayne's interest - Cherry street
Tijuana Panthers (innovative leisure) - Wayne's interest - Sooner or later
Freakshow festival
Jessica 93 (teenage Menopause) - Away
Thee oh sees (castle face records) - Drop - Drop
Tijuana Panthers (innovative leisure) - Wayne's interest - 7 th sea