Nightmare Boyzzzz (jeffrey drag city) - EP - Light On
Silent Lions ( Nah Collective) - The Compartment - Stolen in the heart of the moment
Jessie Evans (Nuun Records) - Glittermine - S/T
Las Kellies (Fire Records) - Total Exposure - Boy Sweet Boy
Neumans (Screaming Apple) - S/T - Fuzz Filled Dream
Sonny Vincent (Big Neck) - Cyanide Consomme - James Brown's Evil Son
Eagulls (Partisan) - S/T - Tough Luck
Abschaum (autoprod) - Onde Glaciale
Freakshow Chronique - The intelligence (in the red) -
King Dude (not just religious music) - fear - Bottomless Pit
Wow (vida loca records) - 7' - Dove Sei