E524 - Magic & Naked (Casbah Records) - s/t - Pictures of an imaginary desert The staches (SixTonnesDeChair Records) - EP - Sub 0 King Gizzard and the lizard wizard (Heavenly recordings) Paper mâché and dream balloon - Trapdoor Dead Brothers (Future folklore records) Leftovers and rarities - Sweet Dreams White fangs (Burger Records) - Chunks- Wrecked Dangerhouse Magic & Naked (Casbah Records) - s/t - Ghost Magic & Naked (Casbah Records) - s/t - (if you wish you can) Reach me by phone Dj Bingo : Scuba drivers (Closer Records 1987) Compile Eyes on you - Sweet nothing Thompson rollets (Go get organized) 1989 Compile La chaire humaine ne vaut pas cher - Bitch Magic & Naked (Casbah Records) - s/t - Meet me on the beach |